Vital records

Excerpts from church/state vital records

This page contains excerpts from church and state records and documents (births,marriages and deaths). I wasn't transcribing all records but only these which contained people somehow related to my family. Data may contain some misspellings (especially latin and german names and words). Most of firstnames were translated into Polish (from Latin and German). Missing data may mean that it hasn't been transcribed, but it may still be in original records.

Data contains Polish letters such as ±,ę,ł,ó,¶,... so phrase "zajaczek" instead of "zaj±czek" may return empty set of results, sorry...


Vital records


AP / Kostrzyn USC (9) / 1876 Kostrzyn Franciszka Krug geb.Hoffmann Antoni Hoffmann Marianna Libera Marcel Kruk, m±ż geb. zu Buk, wohnhaft zu Kostrzyn
AP / Kostrzyn USC (12) 53 / 1877 5 mar Kostrzyn Zygmunt Krug Marcel Krug Franciszka geb.Hoffman podpis

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